This gadget is essentially equivalent to a desktop search tool that searches for the occurrences of any string you specify in all of your local documents. 此Gadget本质上等效于桌面搜索,它在您的所有本地文档中搜索您指定的任何字符串的实例。
On the downside, Quick seems overly complex to use and Zeus supports only Strings for bound data values ( no primitives or object references using ID-IDREF or an equivalent). 缺点是,Quick使用起来似乎过于复杂,而Zeus只支持String用于绑定数据值(没有原语或使用ID-IDREF或等价物的对象引用)。
Web businesses were either technically flawed ( slung-together systems using the electronic equivalent of string, toilet roll cores and sticky-backed plastic) or financially doomed ( nothing destroys value like misplaced capital). 网络业务要么在技术上存在瑕疵(无异于用电子虚拟世界的线、厕纸轴和不干胶拼凑起来的系统),要么在财务上死路一条(没有比资本错误配置更破坏价值的了)。
Method of Equivalent Cooling Inverse Iteration for Form Finding of Truss String Structures 张弦桁架结构形态分析的等效降温逆迭代法
The study of calculation method of equivalent stress of casing string under the earthquake action was completed in virtue of the spectral modal analysis theory and the method of equivalent static load. 实验模态分析的几个理论问题借助于振型分解反应谱理论和等效静载荷法,完成了地震作用下套管等效应力的计算方法研究;